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Marketing Deals&Steals

Special Offers (deals) and Freebies (steals) of Interest to Marketers.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Is this honest?

Is this honest?

My answer is no.

This is the promotional email Mike Chen sent me to promote his new "secret weapon" which goes on sale for just two weeks starting today. Read it and I'll tell you why it is dishonest on the other side.


Subject: Secret About the Secret Weapon ...


You're probably wading through a mountain of email today about
Mike Chen's Secret Weapon just launched:


Let me let you in on a little secret. I was one of the beta
testers for this - sworn to secrecy, so I know what I'm talking
about: you would be absolutely crazy not to go grab a copy
of this thing this very instant.

I can't think of a more important investment you can make on your
business this year, or the next three years.

It is *that* important.




Here's why it (and all the promo material) is dishonest: I, and probably every other person sending you this, have never seen the product. They've made a special point of not releasing any information about it.

Yet they've sent this to all the affiliates and encouraged them to mail it out.

I'd be willing to bet 99% of the people encouraged to mail this were not beta testers and have no idea what the product is. So the "secret" about the secret weapon is a flat out lie.

Then there's this, from another promo-mail:

"It took me about just a few quick minutes to decide to grab a
copy. I think it's safe to say it's an investment that could
pay for itself many times over in no time."

Again, how can we make such a snap decision over something we've been kept in the dark about? The judgement of any GURU who would make such a snap decision has to be seriously questioned.

Lastly there's this little bit that I've seen used a lot:

"I've been looking for a tool like this for *years*."

Same criticism, go around number three.

Look, this may well be the greatest invention since sliced bread. This may well be the marketing atom bomb. This may well the product that will catapault your web business to the next level.

But you'll have to decide that for yourself. I can't tell you that because I haven't seen anything more than the same hype you have. And neither have most of the people sending out these dishonest claims. Keep that in mind when you're deciding whose links to buy through.

Gene Nash

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

STEAL: $997 Money Making Script FREE Till Friday!


Mike Chen is giving away a product he created and was going to sell for $997 if you just take a quick Marketing IQ Test. (Don't worry, you can take the test as often as you need to grab the free gift.) The product is a paypal/clickbank script you can integrate into your site for all kinds of automated payment fun. If you want to make money with your site you should go grab this.


Whether or not you plan to buy their "Secret Weapon" when it launches Friday, you should definitely go get this free product. As I understand it, it's only going to be up for a few days, so you better hurry. (Which makes sense when you consider it is there to promote a product that drops Friday!)

The test is fun, too! (And actually very easy if you know anything about marketing testing.)

Anyway, I thought you'd appreciate this. You'd be crazy not to go grab it immediately.


Gene Nash

P.S. For the sake of full disclosure, half this letter was written by them and half by me. ;)

Monday, March 14, 2005

STEAL: Launching NOW - I'll Build Your List for Free

You know I'm not one to send out prefabricated affiliate-type sales letters as if they were my own, but this is a rare case where the text is accurate even though I didn't write it. For once, I can say a program lives up to the hype.

I really did hear about this from someone trusted, really did sign up immediately, and really have gotten many leads in a matter of hours.

This just launched literally moments ago. As usual, the sooner you get in the better.

Stop reading. Go sign up.

In a hurry? No problem, go straight here:

Hi there,

I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine giving
me the heads up about a great site that will be
making a HUGE IMPACT on the internet marketing

Honestly, I get a ton of email, and I might not
have even read the email if it hadn't of come
from him, but I trust his recommendation, so I
checked out the site for myself at:


As soon as I landed on the page I could instantly
feel a strong vibe coming off the screen. I thought
to myself, "This site is going to be huge, and I
want a piece of the action!"

Then I hesitated, just for a second, and began
to wonder how much it was going to cost me to
get in on this Viral marketing system. So, I
read through the page and couldn't believe when
I read that it was FREE!

Basically, the marketers who designed The List
Machine (Gary Ambrose, Jen Ambrose and Donald
Rowell), have set-up a complete system to build
a 100% opt-in list for each and every one of us
and we don't need to pay them a single penny to
do it!

Imagine having 1000, 5000, or 50,000 opt-in
prospects to mail to once, twice, even three
times a week!

These people are ready to hear your offer today.
In fact, they have asked to hear it!

Honestly, it took me about 90 seconds to sign-up
and I'm already getting leads in my matrix. The
system is so simple to use, and it's free. Need
I say more?


See you inside The List Machine,
Gene Nash

P.S. How many times have you wished for a list
of your own? Well, here it is!

P.P.S. Once you sign-up for free, keep your eyes open
for the "One Time Only Offer." It is absolutely
incredible, but it only appears on your screen once and
there isn't a way to get back to it....

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Gene Nash Isn't Expanding His Business!


Comedic genius Gene Nash (http://genenash.com/) is not, repeat NOT expanding his business!

Surf there right this second, because the first 50 visitors will not get anything more than the next 1000 visitors!

How can you not take advantage of this and go right this second?